Eco-Friendly Gift Boxes & Bags – Wrapping Ideas for Christmas

Are you looking for eco-friendly gift boxes and bags for Christmas, birthdays, and other occasions?

Just because we are trying to be more eco-friendly, or just starting a sustainable lifestyle, it doesn’t mean we can’t give nice gifts with beautiful wrapping. Here are some eco-friendly wrapping ideas that have inspired me in recent years.

Eco-Friendly Gift Boxes & Bags

You may have heard about the Japanese art of Furoshiki, by which gifts are wrapped in fabric or cloth. This is a wonderful idea as you could use small scraps of fabric, headscarfs, cloth from unused clothes, and will be able to source these easily from charity shops if you don’t have any at home. However it’s not as easy as it looks. And perhaps you’re looking for something more traditional.

It’s great to give gifts in eco-friendly boxes and bags that can be used year after year for wrapping presents,or even for storage.  Plain brown bags and boxes can easily be decorated by children and adults. Even just adding some coloured ribbon or string is enough to give them a classic look.

There are wooden Christmas Eve boxes available at quite reasonable prices that can be personalised from the supplier or yourself. You can use these for any gift if you choose the right design, and they can be reused too.

Wicker hampers and baskets are another great option as they can be used time and time again, or for decorative and storage use around the house. You often see these for sale very cheaply at car boot sales and on Marketplace.

two brown eco-friendly gift boxes on a red background with the text 12 ecofriendly gift wrapping ideas by tea and cake for the soul
Eco-friendly gift boxes – photo by via Pexels

Siobhan Keegan created this stunning eco-friendly gift wrapping effect with blue twine, brown paper, pine, and cinnamon sticks. Unlike traditional wrapping paper, brown paper can be recycled which will reduce landfill. The twine can be reused each year, or repurposed, and I bet the pine and cinnamon sticks made them smell lovely and festive. These could be used in decorations around the room once opened.

4 parcels wrapped in brown paper and tied with blue twine with a pine leaf under the bow Eco friendly and zero waste gift ideas and wrapping
Eco-friendly gift wrapping – photo thanks to Siobhan Keegan

Emily Smith reused postage stamps to add decoration and uniqueness to her gifts. I love this. Not only is her wrapping eco-friendly, her gift tags are too. There’s always something so exciting about receiving items through the post, and this just recreates that feeling.

brown paper packages ties with twine and ribbons with worldwide stamps on them for eco friendly and sero waste gift ideas and wrapping
Eco-friendly gift tags – photo with thanks to Emily Smith

Jessica Brocklebank hand made her drawstring bags which of course can be reused each year. All the parcels were stamped with festive trees and stars to tie it all together. These look brilliant under the Christmas tree.

You could even stamp the inside with a neutral decoration so that it could be turned inside out to be used for birthdays too.

brown paper parcels and white drawstring cloth bags with stars and trees printed on them Eco friendly and zero waste gift ideas and wrapping
Eco-friendly gift bags – photo thanks to Jessica Brocklebank

You may have seen in my earlier post that Jo from A Rose Tinted World went one stage further and made eco-friendly drawstring bags for her eco-friendly advent calendar for Christmas.  You could, of course, make bigger ones for birthdays and Christmas with any fabric.

Eco Friendly & Sustainable Cards, Crackers & Gift Tags

Of course, it’s not just gift wrap that creates waste over Christmas – although many cards can be recycled, those with glitter cannot.  I’ve seen a fantastic new invention for the first time this year which I absolutely love.  Did you know you can also get wildflower seed-infused sustainable gift tags and cards? I had one arrive with a gift box from Rebyl Vybes. I’ve “planted” mine and am hoping it will sprout.

photo of a postcard with a picture of wild flowers with the text please plant me. The white postcard is infused with wild flower seeds to grow after use
Wild flower infused cards & gift tags are now available

You can also purchase plastic free crackers that have seeds inside from Ecovibeuk or choose from a wonderful selection of handmade crackers from Eco Magpie who repurposes maps, books, and magazines for the outer, and fills them with locally sourced and vintage small gifts. I hope to be bringing you a review on those very soon. What a wonderful idea and sustainable ethos both have.

For the last few years, I’ve sent my friends what is now affectionately known as “the alternative to Christmas cards”. Every year I make or grow something with love which I hope will be received in the spirit it is given and reused throughout the year. You can read that post HERE.

Many thanks to everyone who gave permission for their eco-friendly and sustainable wrapping ideas to be featured. I hope it will give you some ideas so you can use eco-friendly gift boxes, bags and wrap for Christmas and birthdays.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions.

two brown paper bags with red and white striped handles eco friendly and zero waste gift ideas and wrapping
Eco-friendly gift bags – photo by from Pexels




4 thoughts on “Eco-Friendly Gift Boxes & Bags – Wrapping Ideas for Christmas

  1. Super cute! ❤ We also buy commercially made gift bags and don't write on the tags and keep recycling them with friends and family year after year. They know we reuse them and often give the bags back to me after opening the gift.

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